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It’s no secret that mobile devices have taken the world by storm, with more people communicating and consuming content on them each day. In fact, the average person in the United States spends 5.4 hours on their mobile devices daily.

However, this increased mobile usage isn’t just limited to consumers. With an estimated 70% of B2B search queries being made on smartphones, it has become imperative that company owners leverage mobile to present their products to potential buyers and optimize their business. 

Utilizing mobile isn’t just for traditional product marketing campaigns. Each year, B2B and B2C companies attend CES – dubbed as one of the most influential tech events in the world – in January to showcase innovative tech products to a global audience. Due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, mobile access has become an essential tool for attendees—both in-person and virtual—to navigate the event and connect with other attendees.

Below are four ways you can leverage mobile in your B2B marketing efforts both at CES and in your day-to-day business.

1. Employing B2B Apps

Apps make our lives easier. They provide a dedicated platform that segments content into smaller and more digestible pieces and add useful functions that are typically unavailable while browsing the web.

These added benefits aren’t just limited to consumers. B2B-focused apps can increase your company’s productivity and mobility as well, allowing employees to provide value without being tied to a computer. The top three examples for apps to use in B2B marketing efforts are are HootsuiteLinkedIn and Google Drive.

2. Mobile SEO

Consumers are turning to the internet to find valuable information that has a significant influence on their purchasing decisions. 

Using a mobile device to conduct this research has made the process easier than ever, with functions like Apple’s Siri and Ask Google delivering almost instant and accurate results. In fact, 60% of consumers research products they want to buy via mobile device

With this increase in mobile research, it’s important to make sure your site has the best possible SEO tools in place. Google favors mobile-friendly devices, and mobile SEO gives users a quick and robust way to view products online. Many users also check product availability and read customer reviews through mobile apps and social media.

3. Don’t be Afraid of Social Media

Social media users spend an average of 145 minutes a day on their favorite platforms, which have quickly become a trusted source of information for everything ranging from researching purchases to managing customer service needs. As a result, social platforms present an opportunity to get the attention of the top decision makers you’re trying to reach through your B2B marketing campaigns.

Incorporating social media into your marketing strategy is an easy way to increase brand awareness. Consistent, daily posts lead to consistent eyes on your product or service and better brand recognition over time.

4. Location-Based Marketing

The GPS built into your mobile device provides a broad range of functionality ideal for location-based marketing. Consumers use it for maps, games and even dating apps. Businesses can take advantage of this feature by utilizing location-based marketing to better target customers on mobile.

Not only does this allow you to target mobile users in your area, but it also expands a business’ reach into new markets and decreases reliance on traditional local print and display ads. New markets mean new customers and more profit. 

Make Mobile Work for You

Do you or a client have plans to attend CES… or for that fact, GITEX or any other tech exhibition? If so, be sure to add mobile outreach to your toolkit. You can promote your attendance and exhibit hall location via social media, share and view virtual press kits, navigate your way through the exhibition floors (virtually or in person) and conduct outreach to exhibitors.

Leveraging mobile could be the difference maker both in your B2B marketing strategy and during your time at an exhibition. Mobile helps your business stay up-to date and on budget regardless of your unique objectives.
